Saturday, 5 August 2017

A very POOPular attraction

The Japanese have a long love affair with scatological humor, stories and characters, and manga are not an exception. Between 1970 and 1977, for instance, Shonen Jump magazine published Torii Kazuyoshi's Toiretto Hakase (Dr. Toilet) to popular acclaim.

Another more recent POOPular character is the mustachioed Unko Sensei (Professor Poop). The bright yellow professor appears in the highly successful writing workbook series Unko Kanji Doriru (Poop Kanji Drills).

So what's the next logical step? Why, a family-oriented indoor theme park of course!
Tokyo's  Namco Namja Town, located inside the Sunshine City building in Ikebukuro (you can find it on page 99 of my Tokyo Geek's Guide) will be "covered in poop" until August 31 while
offering food and attractions based on the famous sensei. 

The theme park sells seven different dishes, including Unko Sensei’s sweet curry (see above) and Unko Sensei cotton candy.
Not satisfied yet? They also sell original goods featuring the Unko Sensei character, including notebooks, towels, folders and badges!!!

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